The Blue Dasher Project Dashboard shows a table view of your cards from one or multiple boards. The Power-Up only needs to be enabled on a single board in order to view cards from any of your boards in the dashboard. However, to edit cards directly, you must be accessing the project dashboard from the Trello board that contains the cards you would like to edit. Otherwise, they will show as read-only.
By default, only the current board will be visible in the project dashboard. To add more boards, select them from the "Board" drop down on the left. Once you've selected the boards, Blue Dasher will remember your settings and load all of those boards the next time you open the project dashboard.
Additional options include choosing which columns are visible, filtering by Blue Dasher specific tags like "Milestone" and "Blocking", and a hide completed option.

Back to TopSorting the Project Dashboard Columns
The Blue Dasher Project Dashboard contains multiple filter options for your cards:
- Card ID
- Card Name
- List Name
- Card Start Date
- Card Due Date
- Card Duration
- Milestone Tag
- Blocking Tag
- Last Activity on the Card
To sort a column, hover your cursor over the column name and click on the up or down arrow icon:

If any of these columns are not showing, they can be added from the "Columns" section on the left side of the dashboard:

Additional options include choosing which columns are visible, filtering by Blue Dasher specific tags like "Milestone" and "Blocking", and a hide completed option.
Blue Dasher Milestones are a designation added to a Trello card to signify their importance in the project. They can be used to highlight the start or completion of a project phase, a client meeting, or any other item that would be useful to stand out in your board.
To mark a card as a milestone, open the Trello card back, select the Blue Dasher Power-Up icon, and select the "+" button next to milestone:

Milestones can also be added from the Milestone column in the Project Dashboard:

Once you have added the milestone tag to your cards, you will be able to filter the project dashboard to see milestones in a single board, or across all of your boards:

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